• The health of our environment is now up there with schools and hospitals as big-ticket issues driving social reformation. So beyond watering wisely and separating recycling from our garbage, one of the biggest property trends in 2019 is a home that’s truly eco-friendly. Here’s how you do it.


    Install a Smart Metre

    High atop green home design inclusions is a smart metre. It can monitor your power usage so you know exactly what times of the day your usage peaks compared to when you can save by using off-peak power.


    Get Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

    Long-lasting and much improved in the light they throw, energy-efficient light bulbs are the norm in many an Australian household. They need less energy to produce light and come in a variety of warmer and cooler light options.


    Look into Solar Panels

    It’s free power to the home and thanks to the power of the people, prices have come way down over the decades. The amount you outlay at the start will be recouped over time, with the real possibility of being paid to channel any unused power back into the power grid.


    Install Underfloor Heating

    Another green property trend in 2019 is underfloor heating. The floor, and therefore your home, is heated before you hop out of bed. You don’t need to run heaters as often and it can be installed in new and older homes too.


    Use Green Cleaning Products

    Today, green cleaning products work much better thanks to consumers demanding more from them. Then there are the natural products in your pantry! Lemon juice, bi-carb of soda and vinegar all have wonderful Bacteria-eradicating properties.


    Save Water with Efficient Shower Heads and Spouts

    There have been vast improvements here too with aerated or low-flow showerheads delivering a very enjoyable shower! A shower can use far less water than a bath, especially if you cut the time down to around four minutes per shower.


    Get Your Windows Double Glazed

    The potential to save on power bills is enormous once you’ve gone for double-glazed windows. Yes, it’s an expense upfront but you plan to live in this house for years and that’s where you’ll save on less heating and cooling with exceptional insulation.


    Unplug Unused Appliances

    You can save up to 10% on your yearly electricity bills just by unplugging appliances that you normally leave on standby. This includes phone chargers that:

    • Draw power when plugged in and no phone is connected, and
    • Keep drawing power when plugged into a fully charged phone.


    Insulate Your Home

    Insulation in a roof, walls, and floor will seriously save on power bills. Good insulation traps the hot or cold air that you’ve spent money on producing, in the home for longer.


    Choose Water-Based Paints

    Water-based paints contain natural pigments that give off fewer toxins when applied and are much more enviro-friendly in clean-up.

    Green home design ideas have certainly improved but we’d like to think there’ll be more breakthroughs to come. To keep up with the latest property trends for 2019 and beyond, we invite you to give us a call for the latest news combined with Perth’s most outstanding conveyancing service.

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